In category theory and its applications to mathematics, enriched category is a generalization of category that abstracts the set of morphisms (hom-set) associated with every pair of objects to an opaque object in some fixed monoidal category of "hom-objects" and then defines composition and identity solely in terms of morphisms in the hom-object category. Enriched category theory thus encompasses within the same framework a wide variety of structures including
In the case where the hom-object category happens to be the monoidal category of sets and functions with the usual cartesian product, the definitions of enriched category, enriched functor, etc... reduce to the original definitions from ordinary category theory.
Enriched categories are also known as V-categories, this terminology being used in some influential texts like MacLane's; here V denotes the monoidal category of hom-objects.
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Let (M,⊗,I,, , ) be a monoidal category. Then an enriched category C (alternatively, in situations where the choice of monoidal category needs to be explicit, a category enriched over M, or M-category), consists of
such that the following three diagrams commute:
The first diagram expresses the associativity of composition.
Should it be the case that M is a category of sets and functions and (⊗,I,α,λ,ρ) is the usual monoidal structure (cartesian product, single-point set, etc.), each C(a,b) would then be a set whose elements are best thought of as "individual morphisms" of C while °, now a function, defines how consecutive such morphisms compose. In this case, each path leading to C(a,d) in the first diagram corresponds to one of the two ways of composing three consecutive individual morphisms from a → b → c → d from C(a,b),C(b,c) and C(c,d). Commutativity of the diagram is then merely the statement that both orders of composition give the same result, exactly as required for ordinary categories.
What is new here is that we have expressed this requirement without any explicit reference to individual morphisms in C — again, these diagrams are of morphisms in M, not C — thus making the concept of associativity of composition meaningful in the more general case where the hom-objects C(a,b) are abstract and C itself need not even have any notion of individual morphism.
Similarly, the second and third diagrams express the correponding identity rules:
If we again restrict ourselves to the case where M is a monoidal category of sets and functions, the morphisms ida: I → C(a,a) become functions from the one-point set I and must then, for any given object a, identify a particular element of each set C(a,a), something we can then think of as the "identity morphism for a in C". Commutativity of the latter two diagrams is then the statement that compositions (as defined by the functions °) involving these distinguished individual "identity morphisms in C" behave exactly as per the identity rules for ordinary categories.
One should be careful to distinguish the different notions of "identity" being referenced here, e.g.,
from the morphisms ida:I → C(a,a) that define the notion of identity for objects in the enriched category C, whether or not C can be considered to have individual morphisms of its own.
b ≤ c and a ≤ b ⇒ a ≤ c (transitivity) TRUE ⇒ a ≤ a (reflexivity)
which are none other than the axioms for ≤ being a preorder. And since all diagrams in 2 commute, this is the sole content of the enriched category axioms for categories enriched over 2.
d(b,c) + d(a,b) ≥ d(a,c) (triangle inequality) 0 ≥ d(a,a)
If there is a monoidal functor from a monoidal category M to a monoidal category N, then any category enriched over M can be reinterpreted as a category enriched over N. Every monoidal category M has a monoidal functor M(I, –) to the category of sets, so any enriched category has an underlying ordinary category. In many examples (such as those above) this functor is faithful, so a category enriched over M can be described as an ordinary category with certain additional structure or properties.
An enriched functor is the appropriate generalization of the notion of a functor to enriched categories. Enriched functors are then maps between enriched categories which respect the enriched structure.
If C and D are M-categories (that is, categories enriched over monoidal category M), an M-enriched functor T: C → D is a map which assigns to each object of C an object of D and for each pair of objects a and b in C provides a morphism in M Tab: C(a,b) → D(T(a),T(b)) between the hom-objects of C and D (which are objects in M), satisfying enriched versions of the axioms of a functor, viz preservation of identity and composition.
Because the hom-objects need not be sets in an enriched category, one cannot speak of a particular morphism. There is no longer any notion of an identity morphism, nor of a particular composition of two morphisms. Instead, morphisms from the unit to a hom-object should be thought of as selecting an identity and morphisms from the monoidal product should be thought of as composition. The usual functorial axioms are replaced with corresponding commutative diagrams involving these morphisms.
In detail, one has that the diagram
commutes, which amounts to the equation
where I is the unit object of M. This is analogous to the rule F(ida) = idF(a) for ordinary functors. Additionally, one demands that the diagram
commute, which is analogous to the rule F(fg)=F(f)F(g) for ordinary functors.